Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014

Dear 223 Families,

BIS is buzzing with excitement--Valentine's Day and a week of vacation just around the corner.  In 223 ILT, students finished Unit 6 Visual Literacy by creating a picture story on Google Presentation.  Since our Google Drives are "in the cloud" students are able to access documents on any Internet-ready device.  Ask your student to share his/her story with you.

When we return on February 24th, we will begin Unit 7 Research Skills.  Although we will primarily be using the QUEST and Big6 Skills methods of Internet inquiry, students will also learn valuable research strategies such as Ctrl+F, skimming, paraphrasing, and MLA formatted citations.  Be sure to visit Moodle to preview, review, and make-up missed ILT assignments.

Ms. Thackston-Dodge