Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week 33
Dear 223 ILT Families,

We meet again...welcome back to our class blog.  It has been a busy week of testing in 223 ILT.  Students took a mid-term keyboarding assessment to see how close to typing "25-30 wpm with fewer than 5 errors" they have reached.  Next there was the Unit 6 post-test on Edwin so students could demonstrate their understanding of Research and Information Fluency concepts and skills.  Then we wrapped up our week with Part 2 of the assessment trial.  Take a breath, it's all over!

We will return to our research during Week 33, May 4-8, 2015.  First we will synthesize our notes and create an outline using the template we recorded in our Online Interactive Notebook (a.k.a. Research 2015 document).  Next we may need to return to our trusted Internet sources for more fact-finding.  Then we will type the bibliography page using the citations we recorded in MLA format for each source we visited. After we will share our drafts with a peer for feedback before we begin the task of typing the 2-page research paper during Week 34 meetings.

Do you remember this creepy fellow?  Yes, it's Tetanus, getting ready for a brief nap.  I am posting this picture to remind you of how search engines work.  So, do you remember?  Post a comment with your response.  Be sure your response follows Digital Etiquette--our published writing is visible for the world to see.

Enjoy your weekend,
Ms. Thackston-Dodge

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 32

Hello 223 ILT Friends,

A week of spirit at BIS followed by a spirited week of vacation, and now we return to the last push of the school year--April 27-June 25th.  What did you do over your spring vacation?  I hope that by the time we read this blog together I can share something wonderful with you about my spring break!  Remember Friday's spirit day?  Yes, favorite music group.  Well, as I write this blog I am listening to my favorite band, Led Zeppelin.  No doubt, you are listening to our Music Memory CD at this moment.

Okay, time to get back to work:  Today you will take the keyboarding mid-term.  Remember, this is only a mid-term grade.  It assesses where you are right now.  Use this data to make a plan to reach your goal of 25-30 wpm with fewer than 5 errors.  You will also take the Unit 6 Research & Information Fluency post-test.  We will use the DESE online testing tool, Edwin.  No, not friend Edwin from 6D.  We will compare your pre- and post-test scores so that you can see how much your brain has grown since March 2nd.  Pretty cool, eh?

Do you remember the online test program?  You took Test 1 before vacation to try out the program for the BPS Technology Department, and during our second meeting this week we would like you to take Test 2 for a score.  Mrs. White, Mrs. Butcher, and I reviewed all of the test questions and guess what--it seems that you have actually practiced almost all of those skills with me this year in Grade 6 ILT.  I am so excited!  I had my doubts, but I think when we get a grade for Test 2 we may just decide the test is actually worth using for our program.

Ready?  Let's begin our day.

Ms. Thackston-Dodge

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week 30

April 6-10, 2015

Dear 223 ILT Families,

      Welcome 2014-2015 students to the 223 ILT blog.  So, what can you expect to find here?  First, you are on the post.  On this page you will read about what we are doing in class each week.  The blog from X2 and Blogger are the similar. You will also see tabs for homework, class work, and useful sites.  After you read the blog entry, take a tour of the site to become familiar with how our class blog is set up to help you be successful.   Oh, and don't forget to feed our pet penguin, Pete, some fish before you go--he gets awfully hungry hanging out by himself.

Lesson 6.55 Note-Taking Using Search Engines  During class we will continue to find facts using validated online sources that support our thesis statement.  It may help you to log onto Google Docs and review your list of 10-20 research questions as well as look at how you grouped your questions into paragraphs.  Today we will use the search engine Web Path to search the Internet.  Hey, did you recognize that blue and underlined text on the words "Web Path"?  That's right!  It is a hyperlink so that you can give the words a click and, poof, a new tab will open to the site.  Ready to get started?  Open your blue book to a new page, write today's date at the top, search Web Path for a relevant website, write a citation for the site, read--Ctrl+F--and take notes.

Lesson 6.56 Synthesis Although our research climb has had its rocky terrain, we have reached the summit! With a blue book full of notes from a variety of validated online sources we are ready for Step 5 of Big6 Skills, which is to Synthesize.  Our Key Question is how can I organize and present my information, and this is where we will employ the strategies of (1) writing an outline to help organize the report, and (2) writing a rough draft to complete the 2-page research paper.  The hard part was climbing the mountain.  Our downhill run has been made easier because of all your hard work at the start of this assignment.  On Google Classroom you will find an OUTLINE template.  It includes the P-Q-E writing strategy you use in ELA class.  You will use your blue book notes to fill in the outline, and next week you will begin typing your 2-page research paper.

Until we meet again,
Ms. Thackston-Dodge