Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 26:  Unit 7 Research Skills

Dear 223 Families,

Unit 7 Research Skills is underway in 223 ILT.  We began this unit by building background knowledge on using Internet resources on a fact-finding mission.  Students watched a video on Discovery Education that reviewed our Internet skills.  We went on our fact-finding mission by using BIS Library Databases to identify ten famous African Americans.  Our second hunt required us to select and apply criteria to determine appropriate resources for specific purposes and to identify our informational needs.  We will also engage in an online activity that teaches us the importance of cross-referencing sources--and avoid overusing one resource.

Our task this unit is to conduct research on one of the U.S. National Parks based upon the categories of Location, Founding of Park, Wildlife, Activities, and Geographical Features.  In April we will transform our research notes using Google Earth to create a virtual field trip of the park.  We will conclude the unit in May with presentations of the Google Earth tours.

Mark your calendars:
> Week 29: March 31-April 4 students will take the written Unit 7 Assessment
> Week 34: May 5-9 Google Earth tours are due
> Week 35: May 12-16 students present tours

Be sure to log onto Moodle, our online classroom, to preview, review, and make-up missed assignments.

Ms. Thackston-Dodge